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Dog Obedience School Training Cost Philadelphia, PA

Costs for 15 Dog Training Schools in Philadelphia


There are 15 companies based in Philadelphia that offer various dog training classes and I found the cost for 9 of them. The types of classes are either group or private. The private classes are either in their facility or in your home.

They have classes for puppies and adult dogs. Some also have behavior modification classes for dogs with issues.

Some of the websites are either difficult to read or offer very little information. But there are other sites where they provide a lot of detail. Unfortunately, they don’t always include their dog training costs. Good luck finding the dog training class that is right for your dog.

Group Dog Training Cost

Costs for Group or Group & Private Dog Training Classes (as of 9/4/19)

Here are the 15 dog obedience schools in Philadelphia and the cost for their training classes. Nine of them show the cost for their dog training classes on their websites But 5 of them do not provide the cost. I also list the type of classes they provide and have a link to their website The first 6 offer group only or group & private classes.


Canine Epstein

Locations 19136

The cost for their puppy training class is $100 for 5 classes ($20 per class). The cost is $150 for the adult dog basic training class also for 5 classes \ weeks ($30 per class). It’s $22 for a single dog training class. All the classes are group classes.


Central Bark Philadelphia

Location: 19146

The cost for 3 of their dog training classes is $180 for 6 classes ($30 per class). Those classes are for puppies and basic and intermediate for older dogs. They also have an advanced dog training class that costs $200 for 10 classes ($20 per class). It’s $22 for a single dog training class. It appears that the classes are group given the per class cost.


Opportunity Barks

Locations: Old City (19106) & East Falls (19129)

The cost for their puppy starter class is $175 for 5 classes ($35 per class). They have a single puppy socialization class for $15. The adult dog starter training cost is also $175 for 5 classes. The intermediate dog training cost is $150 for 4 classes ($37.50 per class). They have individual classes on certain techniques for $40. I believe they are all group classes.


Pet Parent Allies

Location: 19123

Their private dog training cost is $100 per hour. They have a single dog obedience class which costs $65. The cost of 4 different dog obedience classes is $200 ($50 per class).


The Towne Barker

Location: 19123

The single private or group dog training cost is $90. The cost for 6 classes is $240 ($40 per class).


Tuff Pup Training

Location: 19125

They have many types of private classes. And all the dog training classes are 60-minutes long, 6 total classes and a total cost of $665 ($111 per class). The group class option is 6 classes for $220 ($37 per class).

Private Dog Training Cost


Costs for Private Dog Training Classes (no group options)


Noble Hound

Location: your home

They have many different classes listed by puppy, dog or behavior problems. Their dog and puppy consultation classes are $125. The dog and puppy basics training class cost is $500 for 5 classes ($100 per class). The advanced puppy training cost is $950 for 10 classes ($95 per class). Their dog behavior consultation is $185 if you have a dog with problems. They have a behavior modification course that costs $500 for 5 lessons ($100 per class). They also have individual classes on different techniques for $100 per class.


Praiseworthy Pets

Location: your home

The initial 90-minute consultation cost is $100. No other cost or classes are listed. I believe the classes are private but double-check when you contact them. Check their website for the many neighborhoods they service. They also offer cat training.


The Philly Pack

Location: 19145

Their private dog training cost is $100 per hour at their facility or $250 in your home. The initial consultation cost is $25. They have a 4-day socialization program that costs $450 ($113 per day).


Dog Training Classes (no costs listed)


Camp Bow Wow

Location: 19154

They offer basic & intermediate dog training classes, as well as private classes. They accept all ages of dogs and behavior levels.


Gentle Approach

Location: not listed

It’s hard to read the text on this site but it seems like the owner has a lot of testimonials.


K-9 Training

Location: Center City

They offer private obedience training, dog behavior counseling, and puppy classes. They have a page of information on each type of dog training classes, so read them for more information.


Philly Unleashed

Location: 19130

They offer group classes, private lessons and training walks. The page for Training Walks has a 404 error (page not found) so you’ll have to contact them for more information.


Ruby Dog

Location: not listed

They offer leash training, crate training, obedience and manners, puppy training and help with rescue dogs.


Woof n Stuff

Location: South Philly

They offer leash training, basic commands, help with separation anxiety, and puppy training.


Disclaimer: I am not endorsing any of the pet businesses listed on this page. I do not personally know any of the owners. This is simply a listing of dog training costs that I compiled for people needing that service.


Additional Pet Service Rates

I have an article on the rates and cost for every type of pet service. The article is called Pet Services Rates but it also includes other subjects like Philly dog parks, pet-friendly hotels, 24-hour emergency vets, and adoption locations. Check it out if you are interested in other pet services located in the city.

Jim Kernicky

I have been a dog walker and pet sitter for my business Fairmount Pet Service in the Art Museum area of Philadelphia since 2008.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Dog Trainer Columbus Ohio

    When you need assistance in training your dog or puppy to be obident, we are the experts that you need. We also provide service dog programs as well!

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